Meet Our Team

Ogbo Awoke Ogbo


Ogbo Awoke Ogbostarted his professional life as Remote Sensing Surveyor with Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) from where he moved on to Chevron (CNL) as the first Nigerian Geographical Information Systems (GIS) Analyst, to support CNL’s exploration and production activities in the Niger Delta.


He returned to Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCO) as GIS Specialist, to oversee the design and implementation of GIS support for deep water oil and gas investment, including the multibillion dollar Olokola LNG project.

Ogbo left Shell in 2008 and started his consulting firm where he has clients such as Shell, Chevron, Pricewaterhouse, and Department of Petroleum Resources (DPR) on the implementation of The Environment Sensitivity Index Mapping Standards and Protocols for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria (ESIMSAPIN).

He is a faculty member and uses his knowledge on the Nigerian Geographical Information Systems (GIS) to unravel the mystery in fact findings (ore deposits), prospecting, exploration and strategic planning of mining sites.

Dr Olugbenga Okunola


Dr. Olugbenga A. Okunlola has a First Class honors degree in Geology from the University of Ilorin and also has a PhD Geology, University of Ibadan.

He attended the British Geological Survey, United Kingdom where he holds a Certificate in Geochemical mapping. He has worked with the Geological Survey of Nigeria for over 20 years and retired as the Chief Geologist in 2002

He is a member of many professional bodies including Nigerian Mining and Geosciences Society (NMGS), Association of Geoscientist for International Development (AGID), Geological Society of Africa, International Geo science Educators Organisation (IGEO) and the Council of Mining Engineers and Geoscientists (COMEG)

Engineer Olufemi Ogedengbe


Engineer Olufemi Ogendengbe, a consultant to the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency on Geo-Chemical mapping of Nigeria and the Gold exploration project, Engr. Ogendengbe holds a Master of Science by Research in Economic Geology from the University of Manchester (UK)

He was a former Director, Economic Geology Department of the Nigerian Geological Survey Agency. He was part of the Ministerial Delegate to PDAC 2006 in Toronto Canada and Indaba 2007 in Cape Town South Africa. He represented the Honorable Minister, Ministry of Solid Minerals Development and delivered Key Note Address at the Institute of Strategic Studies on the Topic ‘Resource Mapping’ in 2006.

A member of various professional bodies with wide training and other appointments too numerous to mention. Engr. Ogendengbe is The Lead Faculty, Training and Consulting.


  • Engineer Isaac Adeniji
  • Engineer Graeme
  • Luke Talbot
  • Alex Moss
  • Tom Olumaya


  • Clifton Weidle
  • Ronald Weidle
  • Anura Wei….
  • BiolaAdedeji